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Afro-Futurist Afro-Nauts

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

Made In America

Made To Bend

Choose to Ascend

In the end

Issa Humanity Win

We are in new times...

As we have bent to the pressures of Supremacist Structures, built to exist in opposition to us; we must also let go of the weights of biased perception which weighs down our ability to elevate.

A new focus is necessary...

Just as we focus our energy outward to our employment opportunities and social lives, we must also focus energy inward. As we focus on growing ourselves, we grow the collective consciousness and culture of African-American people.

AI is taking away job security...

We can't continue to rely on one employment opportunity to elevate us. An activation of the Hustle Hard Badge is necessary, however, there are enough money making opportunities for everyone when you think about creating different verticals from one brand and making it a global operation. Pretty much what I have done with Native Zim.

This system that used us to elevate billionaires is now calling us to ascend higher as well or get replaced by artificial intelligence. A trickle down of boot straps but not money...

Maybe an opportunity to receive new and improved bootstraps is all we needed...

Maybe these new bootstraps come with an opportunity to make more money than ever thought possible...

Maybe we should focus on the humanitarian issue of causing an economic drought for the sake of prophet margins now that the master has new slaves to play with...

Maybe we should focus on becoming the master's of our own economic games...

A New Path Needs To Be Taken...

The Choice Is Yours...

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