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🚨 P S A 🚨 Merchandise Photos

I have been receiving inquiries on the authenticity of the product photos...

The product photos are mockups; should you make the purchase, you will see the final product of your selection.

I have put a couple of patches on my Spacesuit to show the manufacturing and distributing process is a real process that yields real products that really get delivered to you. I also have one of the distressed denim bucket hats, because it was too dope for me to not get (Much like all of the other products in S H O P).

Yes, I don't have to manufacture and distribute them myself.

Neither does your favorite rapper.

The aim is to run my art business in a way that maximizes and optimizes my time to be able to create more.

🌠Don't Be A Hater👨🏾‍🚀

👽Thank You For Your Time🛸

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