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Endings Are New Beginnings

*Record Scratch*

*Freeze Frame*

I’m sure you’re wondering how I got here…

It all began many trips around the sun ago…

When Championships were a plenty…

And fear was lost in the void…

I knew not where I was going…

Though I had an idea…

I dreamt of pigskin throwing…

But the team quality was IKEA…

Losing faith wasn’t by spiritual will…

I could no longer sacrifice myself…

For a team who never will…

Onward and Upward to a new trajectory…

Then depression took over like it infected me…

Caught between the reality of what I felt and the person I wanted to be…

I realized my trajectory was to be a P.I.M.P…

Play the game or leave it alone…

Unfortunately, my heart is already gone.

My Art is My Home.

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