Passion Over Fear | Native Zim
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Fearing failure on your journey is holding your destination hostage from yourself
- Branden J Johnson

Red-Lit-Passion is the force inside of you.

Yellow-Bellied-Fear is a force of it’s own.


Now, as I preach this message, it is done with the understanding that not everyone is meant for this path. However, those conscious of the fear-mongering of the path’s surroundings should be aware of the viewpoints peppered through the path, describing the characteristics necessary to traverse these pathways. A seasoning that is missing in the melting pot of America, but not in the gumbo presented before you.

- Branden J Johnson


Passion Over Fear

Yellow-Bellied-Fear is a force of it’s own. Having control over your fear can seem like you are superhuman to some who don’t share that same impulse-control. That impulse-control. It gives presence of mind in the times of adversity. It gives confidence in times of uncertainty. It gives audacity when success is uncertain. It gives belief in things unseen. These impulse-control is the secret to success. The tools you need to walk the solitary path of creating your own greatness.


Red-Lit-Passion is the force inside of you. Having control over your passion will lead you to freedom, in an opposing direction to those who don’t share that same impulse-control. That impulse-control. It gives more than freedom. It gives you safety from the fear-mongering forces forcing your enslavement. It gives you the driving force to continue your journey. There are uncertain times. There are times of failure. There are dark times. There are times of light. There are times of confidence. There are times of joy. Regardless of the signs of the times, having control over that driving force inside of you is the key to not running off the path. Should you happen to run off the path, regaining control of that driving force will be your lifeline.


They say it’s lonely at the top. If the top is the end of your journey, then you can't turn around and see the solitary path you chose, mid-way. The end of the journey isn't the top of anything. Your destination cannot be about being better than someone else. It must be about freedom. Freedom from the shackles you put on your own mind due to the traumas you suffer. If you turn around, mid-walk, to gauge other people's progress, not only do you risk tripping yourself up, it will also seem like there are people by your side. In time, you see them grow in different directions, as you progress in your direction and they progress in theirs. It’s not a point to be upset about, but a point to understand why. That separation. It’s the key to your progress. It teaches lessons of understanding, compassion, and impulse-control. It shows you the unknown in others. It teaches you how to put your passion for your path over your fear of failure to reach your destination.


Now, as I preach this message, it is done with the understanding that not everyone is meant for this path. However, those conscious of the fear-mongering of the path’s surroundings should be aware of the viewpoints peppered through the path, describing the characteristics necessary to traverse these pathways. A seasoning that is missing in the melting pot of the world, but not in the gumbo presented before you.


- Branden J Johnson

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